Year-End Appeal 2020

The world has seen its share of hard, heavy days this year. I don’t need to remind you of the long list of current events—one thing after another—that has left us all feeling like we’ve reached the end of our ropes. I just want to remind you that these hardships will pass.

Tie a Knot and Hang On.

It’s been eight years since I touched Ty’s face, nuzzled his neck, held his hand, or buried my nose in his hair. If ever I thought I was at the end of my rope, it was the day he passed away. Yet, here I am, a broken but better person who is filled with determination because of him.

Since we founded the Ty Louis Campbell (TLC) Foundation, we have been fulfilling our promise and funding research projects that we believe in. Despite the hardships facing nonprofits across the board, we have succeeded in meeting and fulfilling all of our 2020 research pledges thanks to the relentless support from our volunteers and the unwavering generosity of our donors. However, the foundation will face continued vulnerability in 2021, and we hope to go into the new year knowing that our mission can continue moving forward until there is a cure.

Ty’s dream was to jump in muddy puddles when his cancer was cured. Since he passed away, he sends me ladybugs whenever I need a reminder that he is watching over me.

I recently spoke with a family seeking guidance as they enrolled their 11-year-old in hospice care. I hung up with tears in my eyes and the feeling of I just can’t do this anymore. I went outside with my youngest, who was waiting patiently to play. I looked down and the bright red of a ladybug caught my eye. It was a rainy day and my son said, “Look Mommy, a ladybug jumping in a muddy puddle.” I hear you, Ty. I’m hanging on. We all are.


Cindy Campbell

Co-Founder, The Ty Louis Campbell Foundation and The Muddy Puddles Project

Donation Form

"Ty" a Knot and Hang On
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