We call him SuperTy because he was our little fighter. Ty Louis Campbell, the “best good boy in the whole wide world,” graced this earth for five beautiful years, and before he left he made it a better place to live. He made an astounding impact on all who heard his story. He inspired individuals around the world to make the most of their lives and to rally against childhood cancer by raising awareness.

Ty was astoundingly beautiful and always quick to smile. His sheer magnetism developed not because of the cancer that consumed him, but rather his love for life that defined him. After fighting valiantly for half his life, fists blazing, Ty was finally freed from suffering. Ty finally beat cancer once and for all when he became a beloved angel on October 17, 2012. His eternal spirit lives on in our hearts, and his story continues to impact others.

After Ty passed away, instead of gifts of flowers, his family asked his supporters to celebrate the joys of childhood in his honor. To allow their children to jump in muddy puddles (one of Ty’s greatest aspirations), to give piggyback rides to bed, to play with glitter, to get downright messy and have fun in celebration of Ty’s spirit, because that is how he wanted to live his life. As a result, we are flooded with stories to this day of how SuperTy changed the world. So many, in fact, that we launched The Muddy Puddles Project to celebrate kids being kids in honor of those who can’t.

To read the blog that Ty’s mom wrote during his journey, visit tylouis.blogspot.com