Sprint Triathlon Followed by a 5K Run/Walk to

Benefit The Ty Louis Campbell (TLC) Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research

Swim, bike, run or walk in support of childhood cancer research! The seventh annual TYathlon honors Ty Louis Campbell, a young boy who lost his battle to brain cancer at the age of five. In honor of Ty and all children diagnosed with cancer, the Ty Louis Campbell (TLC) Foundation is hosting a sprint triathlon where friends can swim, bike and run around beautiful Lake Mahopac. There is also a 5k walk/run following the triathlon that is well attended by hundreds from the Mahopac community and beyond.

Registration for the 2019 event is already open (here).  Over the past six years, this event has enabled the TLC Foundation to pledge more than $300,000 to fund the “Ty Louis Campbell Research Fellowship” at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. 

What: 7th Annual Mahopac TYathlon.  A sprint triathlon, followed by a 5k run/walk.

Triathlon – USAT sanctioned event.  Swim – 1/4 Mile, Bike – 10.1 Miles, Run – Just shy of a 5k.

When: Saturday, September 14, 2019

7:00 am – Triathlon begins (finish line located behind Four Brothers Pizzeria)

9:00 am – Awards given to top overall male and female Triathlon participants and Top 5 fundraisers (stage is also located behind Four Brothers) 

9:30 am – 5K begins

10:15 am – Triathlon age group certificates announced


Pre-registration only. LIMITED day of race registrations available. Registration closes Friday, Sept 13th at 9pm.

Triathlon registration is limited to first 200 people. Ages 14 and up.

5k registration is unlimited. All ages.  Strollers are ok.

Anyone interested in volunteering should email


All proceeds raised as a result of the Mahopac TYathlon will benefit the TLC Foundation for childhood cancer research. Pediatric cancer is the number one cause of death by disease among children, and almost one out of four children diagnosed with cancer do not survive more than 5 years. For those that do survive treatment, 65% will suffer from serious long-term side effects.  TLC seeks more effective, less harmful treatment options specifically designed for children.