A welly walk is as simple as it sounds. Taking a stroll outside in your favorite wellies (rain boots). Kids are invited to wear rain gear to school (or on any outing), and they take a walk around the yard while learning about nature all around by listening to birds, observing the different leaves, singing songs, collecting rocks, and, of course, jumping in puddles – rain or shine! It’s a fun way to incorporate philanthropy, nature, and science into a preschool curriculum while allowing kids to enjoy the outdoors in honor of all of the children who are currently battling cancer and unable to enjoy such simple pleasures.
There are so many creative ways to support your Welly Walk. Go to the Muddy Puddles Project to download the toolkit for ideas, send participants home with sponsorship forms, and/or encourage your participants to create team or individual fundraising pages online! Don’t forget to register for your chance to meet Peppa Pig and other great prizes!